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Sunday, August 14, 2011

I made it through the first day!

So, first of all, we finally have internet!!! That means I don't have to spend my weekends at Starbucks sipping on $5 caramel frappuccino's anymore! I am excited to be able to sit at home, planning, with Project Runway playing in the background... this weekend has been good :)

So, Thursday was the first day, and it went really well! My class is gonna be AWESOME! I currently have 17 kids (so tiny!!) and they are all good kids! I was very impressed... We did some getting to know you activities, I talked a lot about rules/procedures/expectations, and they did really well... The worst part is the dang snake checks! UGH if I ever see a snake, I WILL SCREAM SO LOUD THE WHOLE CITY will hear me!

Best story of the day... One of my boys has autism, and is very literal - but he made me laugh so stinkin hard when he turned in his classroom job application - we discussed the jobs and what they entailed and I had the kids fill them out, if they wanted to. He turned his in and his job selections were - 1. vet, 2. ninja, and 3. hero! I just loved it :)

It's gonna be a good year :)

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